
Hello Friends 😇,

Rajendra Sonkusare - Home

As you all know, fear and trust in luck are both part of life in a person's life. But the excess of both has never been dim. But in my case it was only 1% to believe in luck. But I like to do all my work with perfection. All this I have told so far, it was all about my habits.

In the life of people, the decision taken by them gives new life to their life and looks the way. When I was studying in my school, I did not think that what life will become in future? Where will life take to me? I never thought much of the future and was busy with daily routine like always. Life without any goal is always inferior. It is important to have a goal in anyone's life.

I used to study only for people and to see them. I was just following the crowd of people. I did not think of doing anything in my life. And I used to fear more. And I kept running in the blind race of career. And I continued to walk with life. Gradually I now became an effigy of appearance. I have always been a practicing student in studies. I always did what people liked and did for them. I never even tried to understand my needs. I would have been happy only by working as people. Now I had nothing to say in my life. This nature of mine helped a lot in winning the mind of the people but kept me away from myself.

I have my parents, 1 brother and 1 sister besides me in my family. My father worked as a machine operator in the aluminum manufacturing plant in Balco. Our family used to come from the lower middle class. Our family was also undergoing financial crisis. There was another family with us, that family belonged to my father's elder brother. Whom we used to call elder father. He is survived by his father, elder mother, 1 brother and 1 sister. In our family, father and great father had a good time, but mother and great mother were not allowed at all. Due to which there was a fight between them on the day they came. And there would be an atmosphere of tension in the family. Which used to bother me a lot. I have always been in this chassis to keep unity in our family. And we were always together. My mother's true nature was blown away by all my efforts.

This happens very rarely when the mother and the elder mother are together on some issue. That day was very happy for me. All these problems and problems were in our family, that was of ghosts. But I have never seen ghosts, but my father and elder father used to bring these various sisters in the house during the days of these 'babas' and 'tantrico'. Because of which, the house became an entanglement of fear. I, my brother, my sister, brother and my other sister, we all used to be scared. We are afraid to go anywhere at night. Today when I look in my past life, it seems that we people were so immature who used to get seduced by someone. And anyone would go on fooling us.
